Volunteer With Us. . .
Extend your love, your talents and a few minutes of time.

"Love lives here" best describes the efforts of every LGCR volunteer. We invite you to share your talents, gifts, skills and compassion toward offering canines (perhaps for the 1st time) a safe, secure and permanent loving home.

LGCR has one mission: To save, serve, and value the lives of displaced Texas senior dogs. Our programs are as unique as the residents themselves, yet all fulfill our promise to the community.
As volunteers, you represent the heart of the organization's compassion and willingness to change the Texas landscape for old dogs most often marginalized by society as unworthy of resources to live a joyful, healthy life.
VOLUNTEER PAWS: Time | Passions | Talents | Skills
We believe volunteering should be a joyful experience, one you embrace, knowing that your work is making a difference. Four volunteer groups comprise the LGCR organization, all led by Board Members or Directors.
Before you select a group/team, please be mindful of your time constraints. Why? Because old dog lives are depending on you to fulfill your commitment.
BACKGROUND SCREENING: Please note, to ensure the safety of our volunteers, staff, and visitors, we require each adult volunteer age 18 and over to complete a background screening (at a cost to you of $20.50). This screening, which looks at the past seven years, will consist of a Criminal history search, Social Security Number (SSN) trace, and Sex offender registry and is completed through True-Hire. Your information is secure and will not be shared with anyone.

Location: Home
Time Commitment: 1 - 5 hours/month
Talents & Skills:
Social Media Support
Donor Relations
Database Management
Requirements: Internet access, PC/Laptop
Helpful Personal Quality: Conscientious
Training is provided

Location: Home/Public Venues
Time Commitment: 2 - 5 hours/month
Talents & Skills:
This group enjoys organizing and being center stage.
Never a dull moment and always ready to rally.

Location: The Ranch - Bertram, Texas (directions will be provided)
Time Commitment: A commitment of 6+ hours per month
or 2 hours per week at a minimum is requested for Canine
Companions. If applicable, state which shift best suits
your commitment ability. -
Volunteering at the ranch is the most labor and time-
intensive work, yet it is the most rewarding for many
Ranch Group Teams

Housekeeping Team
With the mantra of "health begins in the home," this team focuses on reducing communal bacteria. Duties include laundry, disinfecting apartments, and general cleaning.
Ranch Pal Team
(Cuddlers & Walkers) are all about their loving paws. Whether they are holding, walking, or playing, their work profoundly affects our senior residents.
Ranch Pal Requirements: A one-on-one training session as well as a group certification training workshop, for volunteers ages 14 or older, LGCR safety procedures, and six to eight hours of resident interactions a month.

Ranch Pal Jr's. Team
Children Ages 14 -16
In order to be on the Ranch Pal Jr’s Team:
1) a volunteer registration form must be completed for those 14 - 16 years old
2) a parent/legal guardian signs the minor’s registration/consent form
3) The parent/legal guardian must also
complete their own separate registration form, and both the minor and parent/legal guardian must complete the two volunteer training classes to become Certified Ranch Pals.
4)The parent/legal guardian must always accompany the minor when the minor is volunteering at the ranch.

Ranch Pal Mindset
Unlike a shelter environment where people and dogs are transitory, the ranch environment
is one of being "home". The majority of our residents have experienced abandonment, and
as old dogs, this is particularly stressful. Therefore, routine and building human
relationships are critical aspects of the LGCR philosophy.
We request that volunteers interested in working as a Ranch Pal be mindful of the time commitment to a living creature. In the best interest of our residents, if you
cannot fulfill your promise to build a long-term relationship based on
6 - 8+ hours per month, please DO NOT volunteer as a Ranch Pal.
Ready To Share Your Volunteer Paws?