Strategic Planning
Under the visionary leadership of Rhonda Minardi, the landscape of Central Texas animal welfare must shift to a 501(c) (3) collaborative mindset if meaningful gains are to be had for future generations of all pet ages.
In just eight short years, puppies become senior dogs that enter the shelter system after years of neglect, resulting in a cyclical adoption-disadvantaged population. The lack of affordable and accessible veterinarian services drives LGCR’s pursuit of expanding Casey’s Healing Hands Clinic into a Central Texas Tri-County hospital that offers:
• General and dental wellness
• Desexing
• Urgent care
• Alternative Medicine (i.e., acupuncture and hydro/massage therapies)
LGCR’s clinic expansion will benefit the regional private sector, animal control/shelter facilities, and 501(c)(3) animal rescues.

Bertram, Tx
contact us at info@livinggracecanineranch.org