Four months ago, the balance of Gerde's life journey was uncertain, and something extraordinary happened. Hope, health, and kindness blessed her fifteen-year journey. Six mammary gland chain tumors were excised, and all but one on her forehead was benign. We hope our immediacy of surgical intervention provided a pathway for a joy-filled life, whether for six months or over six years.
As Gerde's sponsor, her greatest medical need is daily prescription eye drops. The average prescription cost is $30 a month. Whether your monthly gift sponsors Gerde's eye health or a portion of it, we are deeply grateful for your compassion.
Gerde is just a little old dog that maybe some would say 'got lucky,' but we believe her story speaks volumes to 'what can be' for thousands of Texas seniors who need just a little extra hope, health, and community kindness. It's possible. Let's never give up on what we value.