For decades, old Texas dogs howled into the night, longing for a permanent home. In 2020, something unique happened that has forever changed the landscape for displaced, homeless, and unwanted senior dogs: Living Grace Canine Ranch. A 501(c)(3) charity, LGCR positions itself as the state's largest residential sanctuary and shelter for all breeds, regardless of medical, emotional, or physical frailties.

LGCR as a community of like minds, desiring the same outcome: saving, serving, and valuing senior canine lives. When a community of people like us combines their gifted talents and skills, and financial resources, there is no agility course we can not run.
Living Grace Canine Ranch/ Residential Bunkhouse
As the COVID-19 pandemic took global center stage, LGCR launched an ambitious capital investment project to develop 5 acres of ranchland, build a residential facility, and welcome home up to twenty adoptive-undesirable senior canines all by Christmas.
2020 Goals Achieved
On December 12, our ‘Bunkhouse’ doors opened to greet seniors from all corners of Texas. For many, they had waited months, but for some, they were days away from euthanasia. They varied from big to small breeds, a wide range of emotional temperaments, and medical conditions. Now considered official residents, their 1st Christmas morning was filled with joy, yapping, and excitement as they opened their gifts. A dream come true for all. Experiencing life feel valued and loved is the best gift LGCR can offer.
'Where Love Resides' is both our motto & mantra. In ten short months, with 264 volunteers and nearly 1,000 Ranch Guardian donations, our organization's community of 'like-minded' people accomplished something short of a miracle without ever having an event "fundraiser."
At Living Grace Canine Ranch, our mission is to save Texas senior canine lives and offer them a better experience, a dignified life, throughout their golden years. Accomplishing our mission is only possible because of compassionate Ranch Guardians like you. However, our work has only begun.
Mission of Grace
Frankly, old dogs are easier to train than human adult learners. However, to have a meaningful impact on saving old dogs’ lives in Texas rural communities (for lack of a better word ), an ‘awakening’ needs to occur, beginning with veterinarians. Throughout 2021 we will initiate multiple programs to raise awareness of vital resources (food, medicine, behavior training, etc.) and viable options for rehoming vs. euthanizing canines simply because they are old.
In closing, on behalf of Living Grace Canine Ranch and our old pack, we extend blessings of joy and humbly ask for your continued support in alleviating the nightly howls of unloved senior dogs.
Christ’s Blessings,
Rhonda L. Minardi
Chairman/Executive Director

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28
What is your limit?
Whoops interested
How and where can I donate to this organization... I am very intestinal in what you are doing for these precious dogs....