Of all our residents, never before have we witnessed a fantastic connection between the loving hearts/hands of volunteers and that of one 12 ½-year-old canine, named
Lucky. Since joining our old pack called Living Grace Canine Ranch (LGCR) only a month ago, Lucky has a devoted fan club called Lucky Buddies. Every day, sometimes 2 – 3 times per day, a Lucky Buddy is greeted with his enormous smile. We’re not sure which ranks first, people or tennis balls- but they seem to go hand-in-hand.
Last Friday, Lucky was diagnosed with advanced lymphoma spread throughout his lymphatic system and into his lungs. Due to the aggressive spreading, systemic treatment protocols, such as chemotherapy, is not an option. LGCR’s hospice care plan for Lucky is to celebrate life every day, when needed, drain swollen lymph nodes, accompanied by steroid and pain medications.

If Lucky is new to you, he was found alone in a wooded area near railroad tracks at age six months. Then loved deeply for the next twelve years by his military family and rehomed to LGCR because of an off-shore relocation.
If LGCR is new to you, our promise to senior residents, regardless of life challenges, you will always be home, always valued, and always unconditionally loved.
So for today, tomorrow, and until Lucky tells his Ranch Buddies ‘no more’,
Let’s Play Ball!
Will you join us in holding Lucky's paws throughout his journey?