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Rosie's Vision Quest

November 08, 2020 by Living Grace Canine Ranch

Hey Hi Hello! It's me, Rosie! I'm just sitting here looking or pretending to look into my future, hoping it is a bright one! I am due for a vet appointment soon and that will decide if I can have surgery or not to kick these cataracts! I would really love your help to pay for that vet bill but also help me save for surgery! If the vet says I can have surgery, I will just have to wait till I am fully sponsored for the procedure to take place! I am really hoping I can schedule the surgery at my next visit. But...I can only do it with your help because my puppy buddy can only do so much! So join paws with me to help me kick these cataracts for good and hopefully one day I could see you and give you all the proper licks you deserve as thanks!  All of my furry love - Rosie

Would you consider sponsoring Rosie's Vision Quest? Select the Rosie Fund for your donation.



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