Well beyond the average life span of a Great Pyrenees, we believe Big Hank's longevity recipe is:

One part genetics
Three parts pet parent caregiving
A heaping measure of tenacity
Yet, the biological clock waits for no one. Similar to senior humans, joints become less forgiving, brain processes slow down, vision and hearing wane, and easily disrupted tummy flora balance.
Big Hank is a natural, easy-going, charming West Texas boy with a penchant for comfort, and we high-five when seeing his soulful eyes smile with pleasure as he fulfills his life cycle journey.

Hank has two primary caregiving challenges:
Hip Joint/Lower Spine Rigidity
To aid him with hip and joint discomfort, Hank receives professional weekly massages and aromatherapy rubdowns.
Intestinal Malabsorption
Common in advanced senior (geriatric) dogs, critical nutrients are not absorbed through the intestinal tract and left untreated, a dog's quality of life is poor.
With Hank, a sluggish pancreas is a culprit. Hank takes multivitamins and B12 and drinks raw goat's milk to feel his best.
Loving Big Hank is easy; he's a gentle giant that moves with the deliberation of taking in all the sweet pleasures of life. Your monthly sponsorship of Hank supports and celebrates a life of knowing only human love.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28