Antifreeze poisoning is one of the most common forms of poisoning in small animals, and this is because it is so commonly found in households. Antifreeze poisoning typically happens when antifreeze drips from a car’s radiator, where it is licked off the ground and ingested by a pet.

Your dog may also come into contact with antifreeze that has been added to a toilet bowl. This occurs in homes where the residents will use antifreeze during the cold months to "winterize" their pipes. Even if you do not take this action in your own home, it is something to be aware of when visiting other homes.

Take care to keep both new and used antifreeze in a sealed container, out of reach of pets. Clean up any spills of antifreeze on driveways and other hard surfaces. Dogs and cats find antifreeze quite tasty (sweet) and if they find antifreeze they'll drink it. Antifreeze is extremely toxic causing kidney failure that is often fatal in just a few days.
Very small amounts of antifreeze can be fatal
If a cat walks through a puddle of antifreeze and then licks its paws, it can ingest enough antifreeze to cause death. About five tablespoons can kill a medium sized dog. If you see your pet drinking antifreeze, or are at all suspicious that your pet may have had access to antifreeze, contact a veterinarian immediately.
Signs of antifreeze poisoning depend upon the time after ingestion.
In the first few hours after ingestion the pet may be depressed and staggering and may have seizures. They may drink lots of water, urinate large amounts and vomit. The pet may appear to feel better but in a day or two get much worse as the kidneys fail. Signs of kidney failure include depression and vomiting. The amount of urine they pass will often decrease to a very small amount.
Every Millisecond Matters
Call for professional help
Veterinarian24/7 Animal Hospital
If advised, induced vomiting (always keep Hydrogen Peroxide & dosing syringe in the house).
Being mindful saves not only our pets but wildlife. We encourage pet owners to create an emergency contact list and keep a well stocked pet first aid kit on hand because, you never know when the life of an animal is solely in your hands.
Thank you for reading this article. We hope it serves you and your companion to live a long loving life. As always, our old paws are grateful for your support of our mission to save, serve, and value the lives of homeless senior dogs.