A Message from Rhonda, LGCR Executive Director
Over many years of volunteering and donating to mission-oriented organizations, I’ve concluded that there are two types of nonprofit volunteers: those looking for something ‘to do’ and those that are driven by passion ‘to do.’ This difference is notably striking when volunteers donate their ‘time.’ When an opportunity to help arises, many will retreat while some charge forward with the speed & precision of a Greyhound.
In addition to our greyhounds, deserving of mention are the dedicated board members and team leaders I consider LGCR’s Border Collies.
On behalf of myself and our old pack of dogs, we raise our paws to salute the Greyhounds and Border Collies of Living Grace Canine Ranch.

Very similar to running an agility course, success comes to those that think strategically, articulate objectives effectively, and weave between the poles of fundraising, IRS compliance, and corporate policies.
Your Donation Dollars at Work

Construction Update - Exterior
The exterior resident bunkhouse is complete! By early October, the ranch will have a water well, septic system, and electricity. Like the building, all of the land development activities are capital intensive. We’ve budgeted the money and are ready to move forward.

Build Out - Interior
Our process begins with insulation, then advances to walls structures, electrical, and plumbing.
Unfortunately, LGCR has not had success with local sub-contracting businesses to donate or discount their ‘labor fees’.

The good news is we have a tenacious pack of Border Collies! :)
Your Donation Dollars at Work

Welcoming Home New Residents
12 yrs of age, Blue Heeler, excellent health but blind. Currently living with an LGCR foster family. We are meeting with canine specialists to determine if her eyesight can be restored.
12 yrs of age, Mixed, excellent health. Much like Rosie, both were well-cared for since puppies by the same parents; then, housing circumstances changed for the parents. Unfortunately, we do not have a foster for Lucky. Currently, he is boarding at Happy Trails in Georgetown.

In closing, thank you for continuing to support Living Grace Canine Ranch. If your heart and budget allow for an additional donation to our General Fund that supports both construction and canine caregiving program, we are grateful.
I am always available to you for questions or a private ranch tour.
Rhonda Minardi
Executive Director
"Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible." - Francis of Assisi